The Pomposity of the Smoking Nazis : Hink's Blob Blog

The Pomposity of the Smoking Nazis

by Frederick Hink on 06/13/11

 Ah, to smoke or not to smoke, that is the question...

And if that's your question, just say no. I smoke and rather enjoy it but in an ever-increasing world of Smoking Nazis it might be better to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune than to be in the cross hairs of honest to goodness progressive snipers.

Last night, flipping through the channels before dragging myself to bed, I saw a fat lady-smoking alarmist being interviewed by Leslie Stahl on CNBC. The lady was a Smoking Nazis (and she was fat, did I say that already? Something about casting stones comes to mind...). Stahl was discussing using snus, a form of snuff from Sweden, as a primary delivery method of nicotine. The Smoking Nazis declared this evil: Snus only provides a bridge between the traps of smoking alarmism at your local bar to the sanctuary of your own private property (except in Puerto Rico where you can't smoke in your car when a child under the age of 13 is present).

Ah, duh, you fat Smoking Nazis, of course a smoker will find a way to continue their addiction when you're threatening to crush them under your fat thumb.

Nicotine is a jealous lover; she'll sick Guido the Killer Pimp on your ass (Yes, a Risky Business reference). It's kind of like caffeine; if you're addicted you can't get your scoot going before that first cup of Joe: No, I'm not endorsing that mind numbing, intelligence sucking morning show on MSNBC.

But does nicotine cause cancer? There is no comprehensive link between nicotine and cancer. One study from 2009 suggests that nicotine replacement therapy may cause cancer because of it's ability to mutate a specific gene however, it is also suggested that this study may in fact be similar to the infamous saccharine study in the seventies that fed rail car-loads of Sweet'N Low to mice and claimed that it caused cancer. If you drink rail cars full of H2O a day, your incidence of cancer may be increased as well. So, no, nicotine does not cause cancer--reference the study on snus use

It is the over 23 carcinogenic chemicals in tobacco that, when used in great amounts, can cause cancer. Vaporizing these chemicals and sucking them into your lungs certainly is a frontal assault to your genetic code.

And this brings me to another pompous ass: Bill O'Reilly. Don't get me wrong, I like O'Reilly. His show is one of the more entertaining news and views available and I agree with his take on a great many things. But he can be annoying as he sucks in and peruses down his Harvard nose at anything he despises.

He labeled Katherine Heigl a pinhead for an appearance on David Letterman promoting her use of an electronic cigarette. She admitted to being a smoker--when next in Houston, Ms. Heigl, we''ll take you to one of the best Mexican restaurants in Houston where you can still light up. But she also uses an electronic cigarette. It was her choice and her belief that these devices do not present an elevated threat of contracting cancer. There is no study suggesting that they do. They deliver a vaporized amount of liquid nicotine to the lungs, imitating the satisfaction one gains from smoking. Obviously in the view of pompous Smoking Nazis, just promoting the use of anything that appears to be a cigarette is cause to draw and quarter the offender.

Use of an electronic cigarette is no different than drinking a cup of coffee--and remember there was the alarmist belief that caffeine was harmful when in fact it turns out can be beneficial and what about the scare over coconut oil--they banned it in theater popcorn for God's sake!--before it turned out to be damned good for you.

The bottom line here is that progressives are Nazis. Hitler was a vegan, by the way, and, quite literally, a smoking Nazis: The state performer in antismoking propaganda was Adolf Hitler (from The Nazis War on Cancer).

The progressive fascists believe they know what's best for you for they believe they are the educated and morally elite among us. In making us better for ourselves and the whole of humanity, they have set about to suck every bit of individuality from your very soul. In order to live, they suggest, you must give up your individual liberties. Did someone say something about liberty or death?

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